STRATEGY | Category Design Project

01 — Project Goals

The goal was to grow Ready by avoiding a crowded market through crafting and positioning Ready to be the "King" of a dynamic new category.

Ready needed to differentiate in a crowed market. The alternative to competing was to reposition Ready as a new category leader.

02 — Process was hired as the agency of choice to help guide the process, I was the project lead for Ready.

With a series of meetings and brainstorming sessions with the agency, the team was quickly able to identify the new Category and craft a "Lightning Strike" plan to role out the new Category.

  • Step 1: Discovery & Investigation of Ready's leadership team's assessment of the market landscape, positioning and future goals. Define the Category Design Team and leadership involvement.

  • Step 2: Define the terms of what Category Design means to Ready and craft the new Category concept (Agency).

  • Step 3: Agree upon the new Category Name. Craft Ready's unique Point of View (POV) within the new Category.

  • Step 4: Align category design with product design, brand design, and company design.

  • Step 5: Assemble the Lightning Strike team, create the Lightning Strike plan, timeline and budget.

  • Step 6: Obtain leadership agreement and execute the Lightning Strike plan.

03 — Results

We managed to achieve a 100% agreement on the new category name, develop the Blueprint, develop the Lightning Strike plan to roll out the delivery of the new category.